Awaken Nature
in Your Everyday

Awaken Nature
in Your Everyday

Awaken Nature
in Your Everyday

Awaken Nature
in Your Everyday

Awaken Nature
in Your Everyday


A way of rounding up
health and joy of your life


Creativity and Reward

You can meet various events.

Greeting from K-doraji

Doraji grows a perennial root medicine in the NE Asia and high priced vegetable in Korea Well known for the unique IP (immune and probiotic) functions from respiratory to gut health.

Royal Greens wish to serve you like a life-long mom’s touch for refreshing and joyful days.


Make sugar and saponin backbones under the scorched sun


Value Up saponin and inulin composition in the root to endure harsh winter  


Dried root serves a winter cold medicine and gut health


Sprout through freeze-thaw cycle and serve a valuable vegetable

World Preimun
K-doraji in the world

Now the world is surprised by the speciality of K-doraji. I would like to introduce the speciality of K-doraji to more places.